
My mom has nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPCA) with intracranial extensions, commonly known as malignant cancer of the nasopharynx. She was first diagnosed of cancer in 2005, went through 6 cycles of chemotherapy and 39 sessions of linear accelerator radiation therapy. Shortly after these treatments, she developed an undifferentiated tumor in the neck area. She was not expected to live longer than she has. But now, in 2010, she has been having trouble walking, and she now has multiple tumors developed in both sides of her neck. These required her to undergo a major surgical operation. After the operation, radiation therapy (IMRT), and then a hip replacement of both hips.

We are not born of a rich family, nor do we earn significant amount of income to support these treatments and maintenance for my mom. But we love her very much, however, we don’t have the necessary means. We are trying our best to produce the money for her treatments, but they’re not enough. We know we need help.

We need your help.

We are in dire need of prayers and funds for my mom.

Thus, I am asking your kind and compassionate hearts, to please help us in our fight against the illness that has befallen my beloved mother. She is very strong but her faith is stronger.

She is a living message of God and faith. Please help us help her be cured and continue living to spread His message.

Here are some ways that I think can help us out significantly:
1) SHARE: Please spread the word. Share this website to everyone you know.
2) PRAY: Please include my mom to your prayers.
3) BUY: Please check out my online store (Dollup Inc). If you buy, funds go to my mom.
2) DONATE: If you have anything to spare, a donation would help a lot. 🙂

If you want to help out in some other way not listed above, please let me know thru the “Contact Us” tab. Thank you and we appreciate your help.

Thank you for taking the time to read our simple plea.

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